Friday, 28 August 2015

Writing Game was my last session for the festival. Kate Larson, John Purcell, Alicia Sometimes, Alli Sinclair and David Henley sat down on this cool Sunday morning to tell an audience about how they got into the writing game and how they stayed there. I found Alicia Sometimes quite an interesting person to listen to. She was quite humours with some of her comments. “Are we all just making shit up?” “If someone is full of hubris you just want to kick them in the biscuit.”
John Purcell and his secret identity Natasha Walker were also entertaining in their stories of how they have succeeded in the writing game. “I’d think: this is pretty dirty, I’ll put it in the drawer and for some reason no one published it from there.” I can relate to that because I’ll end up writing something and then hide it away because I don’t think its good enough or I don’t want to expose what I have written.

These past three days in the festival, plus the class day before hand, have been amazing and exhausting. I have had a great time and hope to come back next year. I can now say I have been to a festival, and more than that, I have been to a writer’s festival. I left today after caving in and buying some books from the hub, and then I said farewell to the Bendigo Writer’s Festival and left with a lot of memories and a lot of things to think about.

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